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Grosse Pointe Park New Rental Ordinance


The ordinance isn't long, you can view it here, these are the highlights...

1. C of O's required every two years.

2. Rental owners must obtain a license to do business with the city

3. Each and every rental unit MUST be registered with the city.

4. Background checks must be performed on any potential tenant above the age of 18.

5. Background checks must be submitted to the city upon request.

November 21, 2013

GROSSE POINTE PARK — Officials have put the final touches on a new ordinance that tightens control the city has over rental units, landlords and tenants in the Park.

The new law grew out of concerns expressed by residents that landlords were allowing large numbers of people to occupy rental units and there was little enforcement of existing regulations determining the upkeep of rental units. The murder in May of a Wayburn resident highlighted the problem, when it was revealed that a suspect in the case was living in an attic of a rental unit with five other members of his family, including small children.

Since May, residents have met with members of the city council, the city attorney and the city manager to put together a new ordinance requiring the licensing of landlords and rental units and better oversight by the city of rental units.

Under the new ordinance, landlords will be required to acquire a Landlord Business License from the city. Landlords will also be required to register rental units with the city, indicating the maximum number of tenants allowed. The number of tenants allowed will be based on the International Property Maintenance Code, which sets occupancy based on bedroom sizes. Annual registration will be required.

In addition, every rental until must have a city-issued Certificate of Occupancy, which will not be issued unless the unit is registered with the city. The Certificate of Occupancy must be displayed in the rental unit.

A final fee structure has not been determined, but should be in place before the ordinance comes before council for final approval, which could come at the council's December meeting.

"We took our time and did it right," said council member Dan Clark, who serves on the Park's Ordinance Review Committee.

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and Property Management

17728 Mack Avenue

Grosse Pointe, MI 48230


313-450-1002 fax

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